You Don't Need

to do it all

Hello friends,

This week’s musing is brought to you courtesy of a week of unexpected illness. Friends kindly provided allergen safe food for me at an outdoor party last weekend… and it turned out it had bacteria of some sort in it. My other friend who ate the same food has also been ill. Good times.

But that’s not the story. The story is that all week, I’ve done bits and bobs of work in 15 minute chunks a couple times a day, but mostly? I’ve been lying around reading books and drinking liquids. Fridays are my Patreon-posting days. Often I’m prepping all week for my offering, and sometimes more. This week? I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t even do it by yesterday morning, even though I was sure I’d be “better by then.”

looking down on spiky chestnuts in a street puddle

What happened? I uploaded one of my photos and a brief explanation as to why the offering was not the expected one.

What happened? Everyone was kind and understanding. Because of course, they were!

I had another piece of work that really needed to get done yesterday afternoon. Guess what? It did not. I lay on the sofa and read and dozed instead.

And that is the way it should be. All too often we push ourselves too much, more than we should. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of setting and accomplishing goals, and only need to look at my life to see the results of that. But we all need rest, don’t we? Sometimes, we need more rest than we like to think.

So today I wonder: Are you taking care of yourself in the ways your body, mind, heart, and soul need? Or do you need a break?

best wishes — Thorn

There are a bunch of witchy projects coming up on Kickstarter in October, including one of mine! You can check them out in one place here: Witchstarter.


or to participate.