Witch's Moneybags

and true wealth

Hello friends,

I take a lot of walks in various neighborhoods around town. The other day, I snapped a pic of a plant I’d seen around. It had clusters of tiny pale pink and red flowers, standing like a burst of joy in the August sun.

My plant identifier app gave me a variety of names for this plant. One of them was “witch’s moneybags.” I love this. First of all, the name reminds us that our relationship with nature is a gift and blessing as well as wealth—and not just because of what we humans extract from it. The name also reminds us that witches like plants. And that we can find abundance anywhere, if we know what we are looking for.

Or if we allow it to surprise us.

witch's moneybags flower cluster

Today I’m wondering: what do you consider wealth to be? What sort of abundance are you looking for? What sort of wealth are you asking for?

And what is surprising you?

Last of all… what’s in your witch’s moneybag? You doing any magic lately?

Talk of wealth also brings me to thoughts of gratitude. I’m grateful for my home. Good food. My friends and family. I’m grateful for a writing conference I attended online, which makes me grateful for the ability to learn, share, and practice.

How about you?

Wishing you a good August. And hoping you are safe from the fires, and floods, and the pestilence still stalking the globe.

Our true wealth? It’s the care we offer each other.

blessings — Thorn

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