What We Take In

helps shape us.

Hello Friends,

I had the pleasure of going camping for a few days this week. I haven’t had a vacation in a couple of years. A camping trip planned for last September was swept away by raging fires all up and down the western coast of the United States. Then the global pandemic hit, so, getting away for a week was such a blessing. I took no screens with me—no news or social media— and brought along my ancient, $40 AlphaSmart Neo in case I felt like writing.

We saw trees, ocean, and the wonder of Thor’s Well. Here’s a photo, though it does not do this lava field with multiple sea caves and blow holes justice:

ocean, lava rocks, water, foam.

Last week, I ended my post asking what you are creating, or what is creating you? Just as I create daily, I’m always being created. Every experience, every word read, song listened to, news report, and conversation. Every piece of art or dance, every tear and laugh and touch...

All of these continuously shape who I am today. It’s part of why a daily meditation and prayer practice is so important to me: I don’t want to only be shaped by what comes at me from the outside. I want to help guide what forms the fabric of my life.

So, yeah, camping. Camping gave my soul a needed reset, away from the daily influx of heart rending news. It helped shore up the parts of me that need healing. I bathed in beauty, and feel grateful for the chance. 

three photos: small five petaled white flowers with pink stripes. the vee of a sea cave with ocean beyond. black crested stellar's jay in green trees.

What are you taking in? Are you taking in too much news or not enough? Too much distraction and not enough rest? Too much work and not enough enjoyment? 

What do you need this week? I hope you allow yourself the chance to get some of that.

Blessings - Thorn 


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