What is Your Wish

this season?

Hello friends,

I hope you are safe from the storms battering various places all over the world, whether the storms are economic, social, war, or climate related.

After a brief trip to storm ravaged California—where 70 mph winds meant we almost didn’t make it out—I returned to glorious, crisp and cool, Oregon sun. Which was quickly followed days later by rain, a flash of snow, and out my window this morning, gray skies. Ah, spring in a time of climate crisis.

Yesterday’s walk in the “wintry mix” of simultaneously falling rain and snow yielded several delights. A nice conversation. The scent of fresh air. A gluten free pistachio muffin. And cherry blossoms, both pink and white. I had to stop and say hello, of course. And snap some photos, like I do.

close up of white cherry blossoms on the branch

All of these encounters brought me snatches of joy. And I realized that is my wish for this current season: in the midst of all the upheaval, worry, and heartbreak, I wish us all some joy. Oh, I also wish for good health, creativity, and to be of service… but at core right now? The deep, abiding joy that spells contentment—even in one moment’s flash—is the thing that warms my heart and makes me smile.

The cherry blossoms remind me to return to that inner state. To breathe with it. No matter how much work is piled on my desk. No matter how much I worry for friends, neighbors, and the future. No matter how much anger rises at injustice and inequity…

In each moment, I want to call upon some joy. So, that’s my wish for this season.

What is yours?

blessings - Thorn

It’s your last chance to get special, limited omnibus editions of The Witches of Portland. My Kickstarter campaign ends on Thursday. Thanks to all of you who have already backed it and spread the word. Together, we’ve unlocked extra interior images, short stories, and other magic. I appreciate you!

Three hardback books with witches on the covers in front of a city and large full moon


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