Watering Your Garden

and sharing the wealth

Hello friends,

It’s hot here in the Pacific Northwest, though not nearly as hot as other parts of the globe. I’ve been making sure to water the vegetables and bee bushes—and refill the bird and animal water basins—in the morning while its still relatively cool. I don’t want to be out in the heat myself, and I also don’t want the water droplets to turn into mini magnifying glasses and toast the leaves.

So, after get some early writing sprints in, I headed to the yard my partner tends, to water. I was greeted by a startled grasshopper, some chickadees, and a host of honeybees, pollinating the low bushes they love. There were also white butterflies and flies pollinating the vegetable beds. And the juvenile crows were yelling from the wires on the street nearby. The babies have not been liking the heat.

Peering between the leaves, I saw that an animal had chewed a gaping hole in one of the yellow crookneck squashes. Good for them! Anyone who tends a summer garden knows that squash is the gift that keeps on giving, and there’s always more than enough wealth to share.

lettuce in a garden, with drops of water on speckled leaves.

It got me thinking of all the ways we water our own gardens and all the ways we share the wealth.

Do you need to water your creativity right now? Or your mental and physical health? Do you need to water your heart, or your relationships?

And what is growing in your life that you’re eager to pass along to others?

I’m wishing you as much water as you need right now. And I’m wishing us all an abundance of things to share.

blessings - Thorn

Thanks to everyone who is following my upcoming Kickstarter campaign for my queer, cozy, corgi mysteries! Follows really help me. Not following yet? There’s still time: Pride Street Paranormal Cozy Mysteries.

And I published a new collection of short stories this month, too. It’s called A Time for Magic.

coming soon: three bright covers with cute corgi silhouettes on them. Sushi Scandal. Flower Frenzy. Muffin Murder.


or to participate.