The Winter Sun

shines down

Hello friends,

I went for a longer walk than usual today, enjoying the bright winter sun. It was warm enough out that a thick hoodie was sufficient.

Birds and beasts all seemed happy in the sun. Crows flew en masse, cawing wildly. Squirrels hopped. Cats explored. Dogs sniffed. Trees reached for the sky.

A large flock of crows flying overhead, seen against blue sky and white clouds.

Here in the Pacific Northwest, we don’t take the winter sun for granted. Even a fifteen minute slice of sunlight is enough to get me out of doors again. Now, I also walk in rain—and the brief days of snow—because if I did not, I would not walk at all. Besides, having spent my childhood in Los Angeles during the leaded smog years, being outside without my skin stinging from chemicals is a joy. Rainy days in Southern California were my favorite times of all.

These days? It doesn’t take much for me to appreciate the world outside my thankfully snug home. I don’t enjoy what I call “the icy wind of doom” (which is why I won’t ever live in Seattle or Edinburgh), and I still don’t like super hot, sweaty days (which is why I won’t ever move to Missouri).

All of this is to say: Today I’m feeling good. My overall health has improved and I’m enjoying life. I know others are having a hard time of things today, so I want to share with you this moment of winter sun and a sense of joy.

However fleeting joy may seem, let’s cherish it when it comes.

blessings — Thorn

I extensively expanded and revised my essay collection Resistance Matters. Need a dash of hope? Or simply want the musings of a queer anarcho-socialist on the state of the world? You can pick it up here.


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