The Beauty

and heartbreak of spring

Hello friends,

I swear, every week it feels as if I talk about beauty and heartbreak. Well, there’s plenty in the world to feel heartbroken over.

There’s also plenty to feel in awe over.

Here in Portland, Oregon, we’re full on in spring mode. We have sun this morning, and more rain coming this afternoon, according to my weather app. You wouldn’t know it from looking at the clear blue skies. Flowers are bursting. Cherry blossoms have bloomed, and some already fallen because of rain.

photo: sidewalk spotted with fallen white cherry blossoms. The tip of a red boot is at the bottom of the frame.

What else is bringing me joy? My writing: Steel Clan Three is with my first reader and Cozy Four is barreling along.

What else? Cats. Squirrels. Birds. Tony Shalhoub in Mrs. Maisel. A cozy mystery series I’ve been plowing through…

I know some of you in the northern hemisphere are still blanketed with snow. And those of you in the southern hemisphere are heading into autumn.

Either way…Equinox is coming. So my task right now is to find moments of balance. To slow down. To breathe deeply.

To simply be.

How about you?

blessings — Thorn


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