Taking Time

for fun and renewal

Hello friends,

I get it. The world is flooded and on fire. Society grows harsher as it crumbles. The new thing that is coming? We can’t quite see it yet.

Then there is the day to day. The bills. The sick friends. The child care. The work. Someone else about to fall through the cracks. And maybe that person is you.

I’m not going to deny how hard things feel. But I’m going to insist that we need some breathing room. A little time. A little fun. Some space for renewal.

As you know, I take those small moments every day on my walks. I notice the animals, the sky, the insects, the street art, trees, and flowers. I sit and breathe in meditation, or with a cup of tea. I read novels that take me away.

Sometimes though? I need more, but I don’t often take that time. As a matter of fact, it can take a lot to shift me out of my routines.

a series of photos showing wooded hills, canvas tents and flags, people heading to battle, flowers, and skies.

But recently, I felt inspired to join some friends in an isolated spot in a valley near the Oregon Coast. A green spot with a stream running through it, it has a large open space surrounded by mountains and trees. There would be no cell service. No internet. Just days of camping with a bunch of medieval re-enactment nerds, in their canvas tents, and costumes, and their embroidery, archery, open-fire cookery, and bashing each other with rattan swords.

It was wonderful. I rested. I walked. I watched. I had conversations around the fire. I worked on some handicrafts myself. I didn’t write. I didn’t read. I dipped my toes in the stream and drank a lot of water.

I didn’t even realize I needed it. But I did.

So today, I’m wishing you some renewal, some time, and maybe even some fun. Whether you take five minutes, an hour, or a week, I hope you make space for yourself and your soul.

We all need renewal. And the rest of the world? It isn’t going away.

blessings - Thorn

Engaging the Warrior’s Heart begins next week, on Monday July 25th. You set your own hours and the material will remain up for as long as you wish to access it. 


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