Sometimes the Unexpected

shifts the course of our lives

Hello friends,

Last month, I wrote a short story for my Patreon about a magician with a failed mission… Life had gotten in the way. Hard choices had to be made. By the time he showed up for his appointment in Paris, it was too late.

Or was it?

You see, someone unexpected waited for him there instead. A kindness was bestowed, and healing begun.

And that is how life is, isn’t it? We rush along, trying to be responsible, trying to meet our commitments… and then an accident happens. Or someone gets sick. Or we lose our job. Or have a breakdown. Or our car stops running. Or…

It happens to everyone, even those people who try to insulate themselves as best they can with excess wealth, or disinterest, or withdrawal. It happens to everyone, no matter how healthy or successful they seem. Life. Happens.

a wood circle painted with a simple smiling face, eyes closed, third eye wide open

And so does grace. A smile. A kind word. An offer of help. The gift of time. A new medication. A job offer. The wind rustling the leaves of a tree. A bee, alighting on a flower…

Trouble is everywhere, and so are gifts. Heartbreak is everywhere, and so is kindness.

So yeah, that’s what this story is about. A magician encounters an unlikely angel…and things change.

The story is called Bittersweet Symphony. I hope you read it. Because of my Patreon supporters, it’s free today.

Thanks for being here. And whether life feels good or hard today, I hope a little spot of grace helps you through.

best wishes - Thorn

I’m offering my Kicking Out Perfection(ism) class this summer. If you want help with your resistance, imposter syndrome, or other perfectionist issues that stand in your way, please join us! The course is asynchronous and go-at-your-own-pace, with online classroom discussions. I’ll be available in the classroom several times a week to answer questions or share thoughts.

Class officially begins July 10th, but you can start late if need be. To make it available to as many people as possible, there’s a half-off coupon good until July 16th only. Just type in PERFECT50% when you go to the payment page.

Kickboxer in front of a flaming heart


or to participate.