Solstice Greetings

and gratitude

Hello Friends!

Solstice lands on June 20th this year. Since I’m in the Northern Hemisphere, I celebrate the Summer Solstice this time of year. The days are very long and the flowers are bursting with life. The garden my partner tends is replete with salad, growing summer squashes, and clambering peas. Birds fly back and forth, gathering food for their hungry chicks.

I’m grateful for it all.

white poppy flower, fully open, goldenrod yellow center

I'm also grateful that, after a relatively dry winter and spring, we’ve had some June rain.

I’m grateful for my physical therapists, who keep retraining my body and brain to play well with each other again.

I’m grateful for my home. For food that nourishes me. For walks. For books, and movies, and music, and art.

And I also feel grateful for you. Just knowing you are out there, living your life, creating things, struggling, laughing, showing up… I appreciate the sense of connection, however tenuous it may feel across these internet waves.

What do you feel grateful for today?blessings - Thorn

ps: If you are in the US and want a way to honor Juneteenth, please contribute to the National Bail Out Fund. Mass incarceration is a blight upon us all.


or to participate.