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Showing Up
to help each other
Hello Friends,
Spring in Portland Oregon is glorious. We’re having intermittent showers and storms, followed by sun, shining on all the new growth.
Yesterday, on one such beautiful sunny Friday afternoon, a friend and I went to a gathering organized by our local AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) communities. It was only one gathering in response to the uptick in violence over the past year, and particularly in response to the murders in Atlanta.
What does showing up at a rally do? It tells our neighbors that we care. It tells our neighbors that we see them.
Will it stem the tide of hatred and injustice? Attending a rally is only a drop in that stream. But every drop counts.
It’s why I always say “do what you can, when you can, where you can.” There’s no way to tell which of our efforts will be of help to someone, somewhere. So we have to just keep trying. Organizing with other people helps broaden the stream of care and justice, of course. As the old union song goes:
“And by union what we willCan be accomplished stillDrops of water turn a millSingly none…”
Right now, there are many issues and people needing care and attention. Giving money, time, and amplifying affected voices are all ways to help.
Want to help our AAPI neighbors in particular? I suggest looking for local groups doing support work on the ground: helping elders, helping immigrants. Heck, even ordering take away from a local Asian restaurant helps right now.
It doesn’t take a lot. It just takes all of us.
I’m grateful to every person who is showing up for me, lately, whether paid or unpaid. And I’m grateful to be able to show up as I can.
How about you?
love and blessings - Thorn
p.s.: thanks to everyone sharing and leaving reviews of my books. Witches of Portland and Panther Chronicles Books 1 are still free. And Witches of Portland Book 2 is on discount right now.