Pouring Water

for each other

Hello Friends,

The world is in continuous crisis, isn’t it? But what do we do about it other than worry or despair? How do we cope, when trouble close to home meets trouble far away? Just this week, I’ve shared information on health care options for folks who need it, and dealt with a family medical crisis close to home. I’ve seen friends struggling, and people helping one another.

Because help each other is what we do.

I wrote an essay about the topic. It begins like this:

Sometimes we worry because we want to control the outcome.

Sometimes we worry because we care, yet feel helpless to act.

In the Tarot deck illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith, the Five of Cups shows a person standing over three spilled cups, head hanging low. Behind the person are two other cups, filled to the brim and ready to offer sustenance. Yet, these two cups are ignored. The person focuses on what has been lost, and worries that fulfillment, comfort, or nourishment will never come again.

The Five of Cups Tarot Card

You see, no matter what is happening, we can pour out water for each other. Our cups are not all broken or empty, and neither are we. In the essay, I go on to talk about world events, inspirational organizers, and the way you and I—ordinary folks—can show up to help. The essay closes with words I want to share with you today:We are all we have, my friends. Each other, the sun, this earth, these oceans, and this sky. We are not empty cups, spilled out and broken. We still have life-giving water to pour out for one another.

Do not despair, or not for long. Hold out a hand to offer what you have. And don’t forget to dance.

Read the whole thing here: Pour Water for the Thirsty. Share it if you feel so moved. And remember, you can ask for help. And you can show up to offer what you have, no matter how little it seems.

A cup can be filled one drop at a time.

Wishing you well — Thorn

My Witches of Portland novel By Dusk revolves around the power of water and our ability to act, together. It also deals with unwanted pregnancy. For the rest of May, I will donate 10% of all sales of By Dusk to the National Network of Abortion Funds.


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