On Equinox

and making or building space

Hello Friends,

Here in the northern hemisphere, spring equinox is almost upon us. I love equinoxes, having been born just past the autumnal one. To me, the shifting balance of day toward night and night toward day resets something primal inside of me. I find myself organizing small spaces and tasks, as well as looking toward what is to come.

There is a repurposed finch nest on our front porch. I haven’t actually seen the birds yet this year, but have seen their recent work. They are preparing for spring. Finches are terrible at building nests from the ground up—at least ours are—but they are great at clearing, cleaning, reshaping, and adding to a structure that is already there. So the nest built a few years ago by other birds, abandoned for one year, then reused by the finches last year, is being built up for reuse yet again.

I appreciate that.

Equinoxes are a great time for clearing—making space—and for planning. What are we planning around equinox? How and what to build. I’ve been working on building a new Kickstarter, for example, as well as clearing space to build better relationships.

How about you?

blessings — Thorn

News: My story collection Cats and Other Creatures is now up for sale! Also, don’t forget that Patreon and paid Substack subscribers have access to Write With Me Saturdays. Drop me a line if you’d like to join. We’re having a lot of productive fun.


or to participate.