On Blessing

what we have

Hello friends,

Sorry this is a bit late! My computer decided it felt overloaded and needed to freeze up for a while. That felt frustrating, but you know what? I’m fortunate enough to have a computer, and I knew you would understand. So I took a breath and did what needed to be done.

In our lives, we can easily focus on lack. Our own perceived shortcomings. Things that feel hard to us and seem easy to others. The things we do not have…

Those feelings and perceptions may very well be grounded in reality. Some people have a lot more than others. There is grave injustice in the world. And there are always things we can learn and grow around, aren’t there? But none of that means we can’t look around and notice what we do have. Notice things we do well. Notice our kindness or patience or strength.

Whether our homes—an apartment, a house, a boat, a caravan, a tent—are humble or grand, a mess or overly tidy, we can bless them. And in blessing our homes, we open the flow to greater gratitude and more blessings in our lives.

Simple drawing of a house with a spiral moving in and out of it.

Blessing a home begins with gratitude. Gratitude for what we have. A roof. Some walls. A bed. Whatever food is in the kitchen. When we send gratitude out into our home, the space itself responds, relaxes, opens.

We’ll return to that gratitude again and again.

Next comes cleansing. Clean the cat box. Sweep the floors. Clean what you have the energy to clean. You don’t need to go overboard with this. Adapt it to your own conditions. If you struggle to clean, pick one small thing that feels doable…

I continue to talk about cleansing, banishing, and then get into the home blessing itself. The ritual is simple and adaptable. I hope you find it helpful in your life.

If you want to read the whole thing, and maybe bless your own space, you can find it here: Home Blessing.Meanwhile, I wish you a safe and happy home, and the ability to find gratitude in the smallest things.

be well - Thorn

If you want to study Sigil Magic with me, I’m starting a six-week, mostly asynchronous class in May! Two live Zoom meetings will be recorded for those who cannot make those. The other lessons can be done on your timetable: Sigil Magic for Creative Success 

a row of sigils/symbols on a red painted backdrop


or to participate.