On Asking

and paying attention

Hello friends,

A few days ago, I was on my daily walk, enjoying the late spring/early summer light rain. I turned a corner, and noticed a young woman in a black dress and combat boots walking just ahead of me.

As I was walking rapidly, I decided to cross the street to vary my route and give her some space. Perhaps I’d head to a local park, or just try a different route. Instead, I noticed a small consignment shop and paused to peer in the windows.

I heard a voice behind me.

“Do you have fifty cents?”

It was the young woman. She had crossed the street to meet me. A quick glance showed me that she didn’t look so well. She was having some sort of a hard time.

Knowing I had no coins on me—which of us does anymore, except the poorest among us?—I dug in my phone case, saying “Let me see what I have.”

I pulled out a five and handed it to her. Her eyes grew wide.

“Take care of yourself,” I said, as we parted.

roses blooming, tangled in a tree, against gray sky.

She went on her way, and I masked up and entered the shop, where I chatted with the proprietor for a bit while browsing, and ended up coming to an agreement for her to carry my Witches of Portland novels.

That would not have happened if I hadn’t seen that young woman and crossed the street to avoid her. Heck, if she hadn’t asked for help, I may never have set foot through the door. I likely would have paused for a few seconds, and continued on my way.

I wrote a poem about our encounter.

…how wealthy

I am today

To have met you

I wrote, and continued to muse about all of the tiny connections that keep us alive, and remind us we are not alone on this beautiful planet. You can read the whole poem on my blog.

I’m so grateful for that encounter, and for the roses I met afterwards, tangled up in branches and gray sky. And I’m grateful for you, too, reading this. Though we are in different places and engaging with these words at different times, we are together.

Wishing you all the best.

— Thorn

The ebook of By Wind is on sale for .99 for Pride Month. It’s filled with magic, and is about two women taking the risk to be known, and to save one another.


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