Manifestation Magic

for the coming year

Hello friends,

I want to thank you for joining me on my journey every week. I appreciate you.

Since it is end and start point on the calendar most of us reading use, I’ve been making plans for the next year. What do I want to create? What are my health and productivity goals? What new things do I want to learn and try? How will I continue to seek out enjoyment and contemplation? How will I make space for joy?

This brings me to the magic of manifestation. Part of that is mindset, which is why one of my new ventures for 2023 is to revive my languishing YouTube channel with fresh weekly content in a series called The Magic Mindset. My amazing Patreon folks are helping fund this work, the way they help with all of my ventures.

The Magic Mindset: Creativity. Prosperity. Justice. Life. Joy. A spray of dandelion seeds float toward the words, anchored by magical symbols.

The video series starts with an essay, and the essay ends like this:

Part Seven of manifesting what we desire?

Keep going. Don’t let failure stop us.

One of my writing mentors, Dean Wesley Smith, has a great dictum I return to again and again and that is: “Fail to success.”

We set goals or have aspirations, and we stumble. Life events get in the way. Or some of our emotional states stall us out. Or we make mistakes because we are learning, and that’s part of the process.

But when we look at that failure or those mistakes, what are we left with? What do we have?

We have something we did not have before: we have more words, a bunch of wobbly pots with streaky glazing, a half finished class, a project that only got part way off the ground, an attempt to help a whole community that only helped two people.

All of those are successes we would not have had without trying, without failing to reach our stated goals or desires.

We are no longer starting from zero.

We have something more to build on.

So, step seven leads us to the totality of manifesting what we desire:

Take what is at the heart of you and act.

You can read the whole of the essay here: To Manifest What We Desire. It’s worth going through all seven steps, I promise. And for those of you who prefer to listen and/or watch? I riff on this essay in a short video here: Seven Steps to Manifest Our Desires.

As we come to the close of another year on the Gregorian calendar, I wish you every good thing and hope you join me in the coming year as we all manifest more of what we desire in this world.

Thanks for being here.

— Thorn


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