It's Okay

to feel tired

Hello Friends,

We have responsibilities. We have goals. We have ambitions. We have jobs, and school, and kids. We have chronic illnesses or back pain. We have folks counting on us.

We want to do things. We want to have fun. We want to be creative. We want to keep up with exercise because we know it’s good for body and mind.

All of that said? A lot of us are tired.

winter branches with raindrops and gray sky.

Not only is it winter here in the northern hemisphere, but the whole world is now in year two of a global pandemic that is not slowing down. We’re in the midst of economic free fall for most. We’re in the midst of—yes we knew it was coming—massive climate crisis.

We’re in the midst of death, displacement, worry, and stress.

We’re in the midst of ongoing anger and grief, punctuated with moments of joy (I hope).

So today? I’m here to remind us all that it is okay to feel tired. It’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to read that book or watch that movie.

It’s okay to take a nap.

As a matter of fact, it’s more than okay. It’s a good thing.

Take a moment. Pause. Be. Breathe.

Wishing you well — Thorn

Need something to read? The Holiday StoryBundle to benefit AbleGamers is still on! 72 Holiday stories with a pay-what-you-wish price range.


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