Is it failure...

or success?

Hello Friends,

Greetings from Portland, OR, where the sun is shining and we’re all on Omicron watch. Friends are falling, left and right. My own household needs to get tested as of yesterday. Careful and isolated as we’ve been, this Covid variant seems to be everywhere.Speaking of the pandemic…

Because it’s the start of a new Gregorian year, and because ::knock wood:: my health is so much better overall, I’ve been doing some reassessing. This got me pondering on the topic of failure and success. So I wrote an essay about it for my Patreon folks.

Here’s a snippet:

If we don’t try, nothing happens. 

If we don’t set goals, the chance of reaching anything diminishes.

If we have no ambition because we fear failure? We simply feed inertia, which drives the status quo. 

To enact change, it helps to be willing to fail while we succeed.

A lot has been written on the topic of “failing big” and all the rest. And it’s true that visionaries and organizers, writers and artists, have failed—sometimes for years—while also accomplishing things, some large, some small. The failures built themselves toward success, and things were learned along the way…

…Now that I’m seeing light after six years of continuous “life rolls,” I can look back and see all that I’ve accomplished in that time. 

I did not meet my goals. I failed to success. 

And I’m proud of that.

Read the rest at my blog: But Then We Tried.Meanwhile, I hope you are taking good care of yourself and celebrating what you have.

blessings — Thorn


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