Intimidating Floofs

and other creatures

Hello Friends,

I’m still working from bed with pesky Omicron symptoms, and decrying this cyberpunk dystopia at every turn.

But in a world filled with one rolling disaster after another—the new normal that I talked about in The Long Haul—I keep seeking out ways to find good cheer. Now, this isn’t false positivity. This is a way to keep heart and soul happy, healthy, and resilient. Because rolling disaster is only one facet of the world. There is almost always beauty. Almost always a slice of joy to be had. Sometimes it just takes effort to find.

This morning, I posted a #Caturday photo I took on a walk a few weeks ago. It shows a cat with a luxuriant black coat, glaring from a porch stoop. That cat was most certainly warning me to be on my way. But it looked so gorgeous while doing so!

beautiful black cat, glares from porch stoop

I captioned the image by saying “Be the intimidating floof you want to see in the world.”

It was a lighthearted moment, but also totally sincere.

Because these days? Our task is to be fully ourselves, the best we can be. Are we gorgeous? Are we cranky? Are we talented? Are we goofy? Are we earnest, angry, soft, ugly, ill, depressed, strong, inspired?

Right now, all bets are off. We don’t know what’s coming around the corner. We need to be prepared, without knowing exactly what we’re preparing for.

In my mind, that means one thing:

We have to fully become ourselves—whatever that looks or feels like—and claim that. We must bring everything we can to this one “wild and precious life” as Mary Oliver called it.

So, how bout practicing?

  • Shout your name to the world.

  • Lift up your friends.

  • Celebrate something, large or small.

  • Be the intimidating floof—or earnest jock, or sexy dork, or…— you want to see in the world.

The world needs it all.

 Best wishes — Thorn

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