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- Hoping You're Well
Hoping You're Well
and checking in
Hello Friends,
Hoping you’re well this week. We are just past the equinox, autumn here in the northern hemisphere, and vernal in the southern. I love the equinoxes, perhaps because I was born a couple of days just past one, or perhaps because the autumn equinox in particular signaled that the filthy, hot, Los Angeles summer had finally drawn to a close and winter rains would not be far behind.
I loathed Los Angeles summers and as soon as I could, moved north to San Francisco where the air was cooler and the culture also better suited my temperament. Five years ago, I moved still further north, to a place with more trees and a lower cost of living.
All of this is to say: sometimes we need to make changes—small or large—to keep ourselves as well as possible. I shifted what I eat when I figured out certain foods exacerbate my chronic illness. I know I feel better if I write most days, and take long walks. I need a certain amount of work and a certain amount of down time to refill the well.
I know my communities feel better the more help we can offer one another, and the more time we can spend simply checking in. Whether that is tea with a trusted friend, a weekly online writer’s check in, movie night with family, or joining mutual aid efforts for local communities going through a tough time. Checking in makes a difference.
I check in with myself daily. I check in with friends and family at least weekly. I keep my finger on the pulse of larger community on a semi-regular basis.
We all live in various overlapping ecosystems. It’s up to us to keep noticing.
Whether it is spring or fall where you are, today I want to know:
How are you checking in? And why?
best wishes — Thorn
Bookshop Witch is up for pre-order! The ebook launches on September 28th. Print to follow.