Generosity is Magic

on sharing what we have

Hello friends,

Welp… its another week here in the United States, and another week here in this struggling, beautiful world. There’s a lot of greed out there, running too many facets of society, and causing too much pain.

But there’s also a lot of generosity. People are organizing to help one another, as usual. People are feeding each other. Comforting each other. Lifting each other up.

It’s happening in my small sphere, too.

I recently announced that I’m teaching a new online class—Engaging the Warrior’s Heart—that begins in late July. Though I’ve taught this class for decades, this online version was spurred into life by my generous Kickstarter supporters. But that’s not all.

I set three pricing tiers: Pay full price all at once. Pay full price in two installments. Pay full price plus contribute to a scholarship fund. Two people paid that higher price. And, amazingly, as soon as each of those payments came through, so did a request for a partial scholarship. Two people immediately benefitted from the generosity of those who shared what they have.

a burst of purple iris flowers.

Then, another piece of magic happened: one of those higher price paying people wrote to me: “I’d like to contribute more,” they said. “I’ve received scholarships myself in the past.”

You can guess what happened next: as soon as the payment cleared, someone wrote to me who could not afford the class at all, but really wanted to join. I kicked in a discount of my own on top of the extra donation. Now a third person gets to join the class, and share in the work.

This may seem like a small thing, but to me and to the people involved? It’s also large. And that’s the power of generosity in a sometimes selfish world.

Generosity fills my heart with gratitude and joy. Generosity helps keep us all alive. It is an act of grace. A spark of shared magic, passed from hand to hand and heart to heart.I’m grateful for all of you reading this today. And I’m wishing you some generous magic of your own.blessings - Thorn

I’m on a social media break for a few days. But I’ll get to any comments or questions when I return! And yes, there’s still time to register for the class if you’re interested.


or to participate.