Even on Days

you feel small

keep breathing - dandelion image

Hello friends,

Some days, we feel large. Robust. Ready to take on anything the world offers us. We dance. We sing. We shout. We create. We take up space, gladly. At least, I hope so, though I know that not everyone feels safe or comfortable enough to do so. I also acknowledge that for others in our societies, taking up space is a dangerous thing to do.

But take up space we must, sometimes, in order to make our way.

Some people take up too much space, all the time. And I’m not talking about those of us who are said to be “too much.” I’m talking about those who think their lives and opinions (and their wealth) are more important than others.

But I digress. Today, I want to talk about the days that we feel small. Quiet. Contemplative. Sometimes a wish to be small is a wish to feel safe and held. Other times, a wish to feel small is a wish to simplify. Pare back. Simply be.

tiny pink cranesbill flower

A tiny crane’s bill geranium flower.

Both largeness and smallness are part of life, of process, and even of creativity. Back when I traveled the world teaching all the time, I needed a respite from it. Home was a place I could allow myself to feel small. That was a good thing.

Other people are made to feel smaller than they are. That is not a good thing.

But what about the type of smallness I am advocating here? Think of all the small and wondrous things in the world. The things that we only notice when we pause and practice presence. You know, the things I write about all the time. The things I photograph so often on my walks.

Smallness can be a bright thing. Smallness can bring comfort. Smallness can bring joy. Smallness can bring a sense of ease and a lighter heart.

Even on days you feel small, you are important. Even on days you feel small, you can create. Even on days you feel small, you can take up the space you need.

What do you need today? To be small or large?

best wishes - Thorn

I’m slowly adding my Kicking Out Perfectionism videos to YouTube. No, it won’t be the same as the class I taught because there are no handouts or discussion, but I hope the videos are useful to your creative process and your life. There are four short videos up now. I’ll be adding to these a couple of times a month!

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