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- When We Are Curious
When We Are Curious
creativity appears

Hello friends,
This morning I posted a photo I took of a cat with the sentence, “Curiosity keeps life interesting.”
Curiosity is part of how I live life as a creative person. Now, I believe we’re all creative, or have the capacity to be. And the more curious we are, the more access to that creativity we have. Think of how creative and imaginative children are before they are taught to adhere to social rules and expectations.
When I find myself tensing up, becoming worried or rigid, I notice how my creative spark diminishes. My curiosity has been buried by my critical voice. Fortunately, I’ve got a consistent practice of curiosity. I also have trained myself to put things into perspective: I do not live in an active battle ground. I am relatively safe. I have access to food and clean water. Is this thing I’m growing tense about really that important?
Sometimes, but usually not. Because of this, I can invoke curiosity again, no matter what the situation is, and open back into the flow of life.

How do we access curiosity and creativity? And I’m talking about in all areas of life, not just those areas we deem to be “creative.” How much do we access curiosity and creativity at work, or doing house chores, or engaging with people, animals, cities, oceans, or trees?
What kind of world could we build together if we consistently invoked curiosity? How might that change our personal lives, the lives of our communities, and of other beings on this planet, as we circle around the sun?
Take a breath. Then let me know: what are you feeling curious about today?
best wishes — Thorn
I was privileged to record an amazing conversation with poet and visual artist Canessa Thomas. We talked about creativity, altars, ancestors, and living with chronic illness. She is so warm and insightful, I think you’ll enjoy our talk as much as I did. It’s up on YouTube and most podcast outlets. Enjoy!

Also, come September, I’ll be changing newsletter providers again because I’m not overly impressed with this one. This shouldn’t affect you at all, except for my beloved paid subscribers. I’ll be sending all of you a note in the next few days. Thanks for being here, as always.