On Crows and Community

and all of us, together

keep breathing dandelion

Hello friends,

This past week, I witnessed two things that made me pause and think about the world we live in.

The first was watching a fledgling learning to fly. Encouraged by its parents, it slid and slipped, scrabbling for purchase on a small, Japanese maple tree. Finally, wobbling on a branch and fluffing its feathers, it stabilized itself on a branch.

Its parents cawed out more encouragement, and finally, the fledgling spread its wings and flew a short distance upward, disappearing in the green leaves of the larger maple tree above.

One thing I love about crows is the way the whole community takes care of the chicks and fledglings. I’ve seen whole groups tending one nest, flying and cawing as the chick squawks for food. Community care warms my heart, and reminds me: we all need each other’s help to grow strong enough to fly.

A crow fledgling balancing on a branch.

The second event happened when I saw the aftermath of someone stealing food at the grocery store. This reminded me all too well of the ways in which we collectively fail one another. No one should be in a position to need to steal basic necessities. I wrote a long essay about that experience—and what we might choose to do about it—for my Patreon supporters. It’s now up on my website: Les Misérables - On Collective Imagination and Action

In my mind, we must invoke imagination and caring, curiosity and compassion, in order to build a world more hospitable for us all, humans, trees, crows, and other beings.

What do you think?

Wishing you well — Thorn

The internet tells me it is Non-Binary Awareness Week. Not only am I a non-binary author, I write several non-binary characters! Selene of my Witches of Portland series is one of them!

by moon ebook against an amethyst stonee


or to participate.