
is for everyone

Hello friends,

I think a lot about creativity, as you might imagine. Sometimes we need to make more space for it in our lives. Other times, we need to defend our creativity. And to build the kind of world I want to live in? We need to support each other’s creativity, too.

While in the bank several months ago, the topic of creativity arose, as it does when you are a professional writer setting up a new business account. I asked the banker if she had an art form she practiced. She looked a bit bashful and said, “No. I’m not an artist. Just a scrapbooker.”

I immediately chastised her and rose to defense of her chosen art form. “Scrapbooking is creativity! Scrapbooking is art! Never say it isn’t!”

Her face lit up. “Really?”


photo of two white pots with blue trim on a fireplace mantle, with art above.

I recently bought two pots from Rose Schmits, a potter in England. I love her work and have been wanting one of her pieces for some time, but kept missing her pot drops because of the time difference. I finally made it, and bought not one, but two pieces, because they spoke to me. It felt important, even if it meant I had to be a bit more careful with my budget as a result.

Why was it important to support this delightful, skirt and bowtie wearing potter? Because not only is her art lovely, but she is a trans woman and the rights of trans people to simply exist in the UK and the US are under attack right now. This particular round of pots speaks to that. One reads, “Trans is Beautiful,” and the other? “We Shake this Kingdom.” Next to the pots is a small, spotted ceramic quail I purchased years ago from a Taos Pueblo artist. The three ceramic pieces are already great friends.

Art offers comfort. Art challenges. And the art I love the best? Shakes the status quo. It topples kingdoms. It makes space for something new. Something bright. Something lovely, soft, and bold.

So, I hope you are allowing yourself to make time to explore your creativity.

Another thing that helps our creativity? Patience. Perseverance. Showing up. Please, show up for yourself and some art this week.

best wishes - Thorn

The corgis are here! Marsha, Klaus, and their friends are on the case in Sushi Scandal! If you are in the mood for a queer cozy mystery, please check it out and tell a friend. Thanks.

rainbow prism backdrop. Two sleuthing corgis, one helpful ghost, and more local color than a drag queen's makeup case! Sushi Scandal ebook.


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