Keep Breathing

Seeking connection in a scattered world.

Welcome to Keep Breathing, my friend.

This is a place to talk about justice. About magic. About beauty. About longing. We’ll talk about our hopes and fears. We’ll practice centering and breathing, together.

Sign up for weekly thoughts, images, videos, and stories about making and maintaining connection and community during difficult times. There will be a place to discuss all of this and more.

I’ll also send out a monthly update about my publications and what I’m doing, but mostly, the weekly newsletter will be a way to more closely connect with folks outside of the shouting gates of social media.

The newsletter and discussion forum is “pay if you can.” My hope is that $5 a month is affordable for most people, but if you really cannot afford it, please subscribe for free. And those of you with more funds? There’s an option to pay more if you desire. My hope is to create a forum for private discussions on topics close to my heart, for people who really want to be here.Already a Patreon supporter? You can either switch your donation to Substack or stay put. I’m an author, activist, and mystic living with chronic illness while attempting to sow the seeds of a just, kind, and beautiful world.

Sign up now so you don’t miss the first issue.

blessings of creativity and joy — Thorn

In the meantime, tell your friends!


or to participate.