Clearing out

to take it all in

Hello friends,

I’ve been clearing and organizing lately, one space at a time. I don’t know if its late spring energy, or the fact that my still-beleaguered brain needs even more order than usual, but I’m finding the task deeply satisfying.

My ancestor altar/memory wall used to be in my office alcove. This meant that other things were getting more and more crowded. So, the family photos and mementos are now in a new space, all on their own.

Family needs space, right?

And my office now has room for me to put the books I’ve written on display, plus a writing and work area, and a business planning area on the other ell of the desk. The whole space feels as if it can breathe now, and that means, so can I.

It also shows me that I don’t have a physical copy of one of the Witches of Portland books for display, nor do I have updated versions of the Panther Chronicles with the shiny new covers from last year. This helps me, too. I can see what I’ve done and where I’m going.

How about you? Are you feeling cramped or spacious these days? How are you at organizing? Any favorite tips?

blessings — Thorn

ps I thank both Marie Kondo and Cas from Clutterbug on YouTube for inspiration. 


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