Centering. Connection.

Hello friends,

I don’t have too much to say this week. For one thing, despite social distancing, I seem to be fighting a cold or something. Secondly, things are tense in the US leading up to the election, both locally and nationally. And third… police just across the Columbia River from my home killed a young Black man last night. All reports say his hands were in his pockets and he was running away. The sorrow and anger continue. As do the efforts toward building justice.

This morning on social media I posted the photo above—a lit candle reflected in a piece of art—along with a note about remembering our centering practices, whatever they may be. “Centering. Candle lighting. Meditation. Prayer. Breathing. Contemplation. Pressing pause. Whatever you call it, remember to take the time... these practices help us survive and thrive.”

I figure we can all probably use that reminder right now. So how about it? What helps you pause right now? What helps practices help you to slow down inside and just be?

Wishing you some ease today, and good health, and a few moments—at least—to breathe.

blessings - Thorn

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