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- Blooming
out of season
Hello friends,
On one of my walks recently—on a cold, November day—I came across a rose bush with fresh buds mingled in with mostly dead blooms.
Struck by this vision, I stopped a moment, snapped a few photos, then went on my way, podcast in my ears, learning about something new. Sometimes I walk in silence, sometimes to music, and other times to podcasts. It depends on my mood and how my brain is firing that day.
But, regardless of the pre-recorded conversation I was listening to, those roses stayed with me.
“How like humans they are,” was the thought running through my head once I returned home. We too often think we need to bloom exactly when others do, and in the perfect season. But we don’t. Whether it is the height of summer’s heat or the autumn winds heralding winter, when it is time for us to show the fruits of our growth to the world… it is time.
Late bloomers, early bloomers, those who bloom with the crowd, and those who wait for their own time, past the push and rush, all blooms are beautiful.
How about you? What is your pace? Do you enjoy matching those around you? Do you sometimes feel out of phase? Are you able to accept and welcome your own growth and beauty whenever your life is ready to reveal it? Are you dormant and waiting right now? Or are you ready to show your blushing face?
No matter what kind of rose you are, I hope you are caring for yourself and others this week. We’re all in this life together.
best wishes — Thorn
For those of you who’ve been waiting, Solstice Witch ebooks are on most retailers now! Print is coming soon. Revisit some bonkers, cozy paranormal fun!