Best Laid Plans

aft gang agley

Hello Friends,

I’ve been working hard updating editions of both my expanded Sigil Magic book and my Crafting a Daily Practice book.

I thought the latter was done. All it needed was a new cover, right? And that was already designed. Job done.


I didn’t notice the changes I wanted to make until I was almost ready to order print proofs. I had plans, you see, plans that include trying to beat the holiday shipping rush. Well, as the Scottish poet said, those plans went agley. Awry. Askew. Amiss. Or fill in your other word-starting-with-A that means, well, wrong.

Unlike the sigil book, to which I made substantial additions, these changes to the Daily Practice book were not large ones, more like small tweaks. Grace notes. But once I saw these details, I couldn’t unsee them. And taking the time and going through the book again means the new edition will be a better book, with a slightly more consistent structure, and a more pleasant layout.

The differences? Mostly have to do with the pattern and shape of the book itself.

Everything in nature has a pattern, whether we can perceive it clearly or not. These patterns all work on our subconscious. What I call our animal self picks up on patterns, like the circles of rain hitting pooling water, forming a pattern over the rainbow slick of oil forming small rivers of lines in that same puddle. I paused on a walk and took a photo of just that this week.

circles of rain hitting a puddle over shimmering rainbow lines.

Would anyone else notice if I hadn’t changed this edition of the daily practice book? Likely not. But I guarantee readers—new or old—will find the changes I made pleasing, whether they are conscious of them or not.

Life is filled with patterns and plans. How often do we pause and notice the former, and how flexible are we with the latter?

Patterns shift and plans change. It is our job to stay with life, no matter the course it takes.

Wishing you all the best.

blessings - Thorn

To save her coven, Tempest must find her courage and risk everything...

Looking for holiday gifts? Here’s a collection of Urban Fantasy books in paperback that might interest you. By Witch’s Mark, my sapphic Yuletide book is included! Enjoy.

Young white woman with short white blond hair stands in front of a winter city skyline at night.


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