When August Comes

we contemplate...

keep breathing - dandelion

Hello friends,

It’s almost August. I always pause this time of year, to reflect on what has come before, and contemplate what is yet to come. A big part of this time of contemplation is noticing what is happening in the place I live. What are the cycles of the city and the land?

For the many years I lived in San Francisco, the coming of August heralded the arrival of fog. The cold surface of the Pacific Ocean warmed enough to send gorgeous banks of fogs rolling across the seven hills of that city, blanketing the streets in white mist. The fog kissed our skin, and shrouded the mountain across the bay. The tourist spots all sold sweatshirts to the people who thought that summer in California would be warm.

I would gather with friends on the beach to celebrate the shifting of the sun, at the point between Solstice and Equinox. The fog was our friend.

a large squash blossom

Here in Portland, Oregon, I know August is nigh when crow feathers begin to dot the sidewalks and yards of my neighborhood. Here in late July, fledglings still call for food and practice flying, and the molting has begun. But I know that throughout August, the gifts of feathers from the crows will only increase, dotting the concrete beneath the summer sun.

It is also the time of squash blossoms and cucumbers, and the busyness of bees.

August in Oregon is a time for growth and shedding, shedding and growth. I examine my own life. What is needed? What can be harvested? What needs to be let go?

How about you? What heralds August where you live? What are you contemplating this time of year?

Wishing you well, as always.

— Thorn

The latest episode of Magic, Creativity, and Life is up on YouTube and your favorite podcast channel. I talk with the Tarot Lady, Theresa Reed about cultivating intuition, practicing divination, the creative process, and life.

magic, creativity, and life. pictures of Theresa Reed and Thorn Coyle, white, middle aged people


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