A Gift of Magic

for 2022

Hello friends,

I work with sigils a lot.* A sigil is a symbolic signature. A mark. A way to communicate something important. A way to evoke and invoke. A sigil is a form that connects the seed of an idea into an invocation of action. 

Sigils help me set my intention and purpose, and act from there.

In the final days of Gregorian Year 2021, I pondered what I wanted my sigil for 2022 to be. It needed to be simple and straightforward. I wanted it as pared down as possible, with regards to intention. Within the simplicity of intention, I can fold in many things.

Usually my working sigils are private, but when I finished my 2022 sigil on December 31st, I looked at it and realized it might be useful to others. So, I’m sharing it with you, if you wish to use it in the coming year.

The core of the sigil are the numbers 2 and 0 (for 2022), plus the main rune letters fehu (cattle, which signifies wealth) and uruz (the aurochs, a large, physically strong and vital bovine). There is movement among all the component pieces. An exchange of energies that work in concert, creating something new. Together, these base symbols also form the runic letter dagaz in the center (dawn, day, threshold) and point toward the 4 shaped glyph for Jupiter (which many astrologers say symbolizes healing and good fortune).

a red sigil made of interlocking curves and lines forming a vertical mirror image.

With this sigil, in 2022, I call in physical strength/health, and prosperity. To prosper is not simply about financial well being—though that can be included. To prosper is to thrive.

I call in physical strength/health/well being and that sense of prosperity and thriving as a base to improve my own life and foster well-being in the lives of others through mutual aid and the sharing of gifts, skills, and resources. 

How I plan to do this is private, and requires my own intentions and action items. If you choose to do this working, you’ll have to figure out the same.

Meanwhile, here’s a cantrip to go along with the sigil, or make up your own:

Strength and prosperity for my family.

Strength and prosperity for my friends.

Strength and prosperity for my communities.

Strength and prosperity for myself.

I invoke good health and vitality. I invoke all the things that I need. May I move through this world with a strong will and an open heart. May generosity and love be my guides. 

Strength and prosperity for all.

May the energies of vitality and thriving, of good health and good fortune, carry us all into the coming year. 

Best wishes — Thorn

*Interested in more? I wrote a book on the topic called Sigil Magic for Writers, Artists, & Other Creatives. 


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